Do you blog regularly on your website? It's one of the quickest and easiest ways to improve your Google ranking.

There are a couple of things to remember when blogging - use some images to break up the words, you can even include videos. try and make the blog between 200 and 350 words, Google analytics likes this length of blog, include links - internal to keep them on your website, but Google likes to see you using other peoples sites as well, so don't be afraid to put external links on your blog.
Remember to use keywords that relate to your business or to a product that you are selling. You need to treat your keywords like you would your hashtags on social media, blogging is just another form of digital media and works in a very similar way to other medias out there.
If you are using images and videos within your blogs make sure that they are either your own or are copyright free, you don't want to be hit with a fine for using an image that has copyright attached to it!
Lastly, include blogs that let you audience get to know a bit about you as well as what problem you can solve for them. Not everyone will read those blogs - but for some people they want to know about the person they are buying from, to make sure your values match with theirs. Lastly, if you hate blogging then outsource it to someone who doesn't.
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